Corporate Coalition: February Meeting Highlights

Business UNusual Spotlight

Corporate Coalition: February Meeting Highlights

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More than 70 people attended this week's Corporate Coalition at Edelman Chicago. We discussed the findings of Edelman’s 2024 Trust Barometer and the implications on our work at the Corporate Coalition.

“I'm excited to be one of the Co-Chairs of The Corporate Coalition of Chicago. I read the mission and I love it because it's about how do we as private companies use our core business, not just our philanthropic activities, but how do we integrate equity into our business models, into our core business functions to enhance inclusiveness to ensure that we have shared prosperity in our city and in our region, and I think that that is such an important mission.” - Gil Quinones, CEO of ComEd and Co-Chair of The Corporate Coalition

Kevin Cook, President of Edelman Chicago summed it up, “people are tired of hearing the talk, and they want to see the action.”