Program Director Marcos Gonzales on Change Agents The Podcast

Business UNusual Spotlight

Program Director Marcos Gonzales on Change Agents The Podcast

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Our Fair Chance Hiring cohort was featured on Juneteenth Productions' Change Agents the Podcast with Defy Ventures produced by Dilpreet Raju

"What we have found is that often times there is a difference between actual risk and perception of risk because there's a perception of risk that if you hire someone who might have had involvement with the criminal justice system, they are going to be a more risky hire." - Our Program Director, Marcos Gonzales

The Legal Action Center and the National Workrights Institute published a report in 2023 looking at decades of legal proceedings which concluded that hiring folks with criminal records is actually low risk.

"When you take people who are determined to prove they are more than their worst mistakes, give them those opportunities and support them in those opportunities, they tend to be highly engaged and loyal employees. That's a recipe for Chicago businesses. That's a recipe for profitability." - Jeffrey Korzenik, Author of Untapped Talent and Advisor on Fair Chance Hiring Cohort

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