Operations Mastery Podcast - This COO is Addressing Inequities in Chicago

Business UNusual Spotlight

Operations Mastery Podcast - This COO is Addressing Inequities in Chicago

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Holli Wertheimer, COO of the Corporate Coalition, was interviewed on Operations Mastery podcast.

She shared 3 game-changing strategies any company can use to level the playing field:

1️. Embrace fair chance hiring — 1/3 of the workforce has a criminal record that often unfairly screens them out. By updating practices like implementing reasonable look-back periods, your company can tap into this huge pool of qualified talent.

2️. Rethink procurement and contracting — Seek out opportunities to spend with local, diverse suppliers. Every dollar you redirect to underserved communities creates a ripple effect.

3️. Invest in underinvested areas — Due to systemic barriers, women and people of color receive far less access to capital. Consider place-based impact investing to spur development and job creation in disinvested neighborhoods.

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